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Conflicting Reports over Situation in Georgian-Populated Gali

The Russian news agency Itar-Tass reported that units of the Abkhaz governmental guard blocked the polling stations in the Gali district of the breakaway region and prevents voters from casting ballots.

The Gali district of Abkhazia is predominately populated by ethnic Georgians, who spontaneously returned to Abkhazia in the years following the conflict in 1992-93.

Itar-Tass also reported quoting high official of the Gali district administration Yuri Kvekveskiri as saying that ?units of the Abkhaz governmental guard checked the passports of locals without any prior notification of the local administration.? This fact was reported by the Georgia media as well.

However, chief of the Abkhaz governmental guard Kochubei Chkok denied these reports. ?I have not issued this kind of order,? Itar-Tass quoted Chkok as saying.

Abkhaz Prime Minister Nodar Khashba also said that the voting process is developing under ?normal conditions.?

?According to some reports there were some problems there [in Gali district], as if some voters were prevented from entering polling stations. But this information is not confirmed. Representatives of the Central Election Commission also say that the elections are being held in normal conditions,? Nodar Khashba said, according to the Russian NTV television.

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