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Tbilisi Protests Against Maneuvers in South Ossetia

Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Goga Khaindrava expressed protest against military exercises that are being held in the Java district of breakaway South Ossetia.
In an interview with the Rustavi 2 television on December 2, Khaindrava said that he intends to send a protest letter to the co-chairmen of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) regarding this issue.

?A personal letter will be sent to Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Valerie Loshchinin as well, who often participates in the JCC meetings,? Khaindrava said. 
The South Ossetian side claims that the town of Java, which is located in the northern part of South Ossetia, lies outside the conflict zone and, therefore, military exercises can be held there. According to a 1992 ceasefire agreement, the conflict zone covers the area within a 15-kilometer radius from the center of Tskhinvali.
However, Goga Khaindrava says that the representatives of the Joint Control Commission should be notified regarding any military exercises beforehand.
He said the Georgian side has numerously pushed the issue of defining the conflict zone and security corridor; so far these attempts have proved unsuccessful.

?Unfortunately, Russia closes its eyes to this issue,? Khaindrava added.
The Georgian State Minister intends to visit the Tskhinvali region on December 3 to get acquainted with the current situation in the breakaway region.

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