CEC Rejects to Prolong Voter Registration in Adjara
The Central Election Commission rejected the appeal of the Adjarian election administration about prolongation of the voter registration process for four more days. Registration deadline expired on March 21.
Chairman of the Central Election Commission Zurab Tchiaberashvili explained decision with the threat of compilation over-inflated voter lists in Adjara.
“The voter registration will be carried out on elections day and there is no need to prolong the process,” Zurab Tchiaberashvili told press conference on March 22.
Tchiaberashvili said that chairman of Khelvachauri election district in Adjara has been dismissed for providing the CEC inaccurate voter lists. Earlier chairman of another election district in Adjara was also fired for the same reason.
CEC chairman also said that 27,6 thousand voters underwent registration throughout Georgia from March 8 to March 21. Thus, number of voters totals 2,250,000.
The voter registration was in progress before the January 4 snap presidential elections as well. The main part of the voter lists were compiled during that registration.