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Results of Local Election in Tbilisi to Be Announced Within Two Weeks

(Tbilisi, Civil Georgia, October 9, 2002) – The Central Elections Commission (CEC) wants two weeks to announce the final results of the June 2 local election in Tbilisi, Jumber Lominadze, Chairman of the CEC said on October 8.

He said that the CEC finished the votes recounting, cast during the locals in Tbilisi on October 5. According to the preliminary information the results of the recounting does not differ with those announced by the CEC after the elections.

The New National Movement demanded votes recounting because of the numerous procedural violations during the elections. The Tbilisi City Council – Sakrebulo is not convened yet because of the votes recounting.

The Labors Party and Mikheil Saakashvili’s New National Movement obtained the most of the seats in Sakrebulo. 

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