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Abkhaz Government in Exile Accused in Backing Illegal Armed Group

(Tbilisi February 11, 2003. Civil Georgia) – At the Parliamentary session today MP Jemal Gogitidze of the Revival Union publicized top secret document, which says that members of the Jupiter organization are responsible for beating up MP Jemal Gamakharia of Revival Union last August.

According to Gogitidze the document also reads that the Jupiter is formed by the Tbilisi-based Abkhazian government in exile. MP said that this is the illegal armed group controlled by the Head of the Abkhaz government in exile Tamaz Nadareishvili.

The revealing of details of the secret document caused protest of Tamaz Nadareishvili, which admits the existence of organization Jupiter, but denies it is an armed group. “This is a civil organization formed by the former combatants of the war in Abkhazia,” Nadareishvili said at the Parliamentary session today.

He demanded from the Parliamentary special investigative commission to study the fact of revealing top secret document without State Security Ministry’s permit.

Statement of the Head of the Abkhaz government in exile caused protest of the Revival Union and quarrel turned into fist-fighting, thus the Parliamentary Chairperson Nino Burjanadze had to cease the session.

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