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Shevardnadze was Unable to Defeat Putin at Least in Polemics

The Dilis Gazeti

(Georgia Press Digest. 03.12.01. Civil Georgia)  The Dilis Gazeti speaks about President Shevardnadze’s visit at the CIS Summit held in Moscow. The paper says it is unfortunate that the confrontation, which was once again highlighted at the meeting, grew into a tradition in the Georgian-Russian relations.

“Georgian political establishment was making treats before the meeting saying they would demonstrate their power to the Kremlin as soon as they would visit Moscow”, the Dilis Gazeti says. The Georgian President in deed made an attempt to struggle for his country but despite good argument he was unable to respond Putin’s verbal attacks. 

Vladimir Putin was better prepared for the polemics: when Shevardnadze said that villages were bombed in Pankisi gorge Russian President was surprised why there were no victims in such case. This is the statement Shevardnadze was unable to answer. 

The Dilis Gazeti considers that Georgian President looked like a liar for other Presidents of the CIS countries. The accusation Shevardnadze left without answers made the Georgian population assume that these accusations were in deed close to reality.

The paper wants the President to start saying truth. It says that Shevardnadze should finally determine a political orientation: He should either protect Chechens and thus finally oppose Russia of leave the north Caucasians alone and pass the regional policy acceptable for Russia.


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