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What Kind of Republic Will Georgia Be?

The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti

Posts of the parliamentary chairman and the ministers are still vacant. Today’s press talks about upcoming governmental and parliamentary adjustments.

The President will propose candidates for the new government to the Parliament soon. The issue is spoken in the lobbies a lot. MPs suppose some ex-ministers may return to their former positions. It is also said that it will be difficult for the President to pass candidates favorable for him, the Resonance reports.

“We hope Shevardnadze will not dare to propose candidatures of Kakha Targamadze – former Internal Minister, Gia Meparishvili – former General Prosecutor, and Vano Chkhartishvili – former Minister of Economy”, the paper says. Besides obvious antagonism towards these persons from the side of the population, large part of MPs dislikes them as well. 

The Resonance considered that the Parliament should definitely take the public opinion into consideration while appointing new government members. “That’s what the problem is. Does the President support persons the society has faith in?” the paper wonders. It also points out that while there is no parliamentary majority any more pro-Russian oriented forces have gained power in the Parliament.

The Dilis Gazeti talks about who might become a Prime Minister. According to its information Gogi Topadze – leader of the faction Industrialists, Zurab Tskitishvili – member of the Citizens Union, and Levan Gachechiladze – leader of the faction New Right Wings have serious chances on the position. 

Together with the candidates, matter of constitutional amendments is also to be determined. The Dilis Gazeti is interested in whether the constitution will be amended and what the amendments will be about as well as what kind of republic Georgia will be – Parliamentary of Presidential.

“In today’s case there is big possibility of the constitutional parliamentary majority to reach consensus about one particular model even if it will be quite different from one suggested earlier by the President”, the Dilis Gazeti presumes. It thinks that Shevardnadze is ready for compromises.

“Basic problem has been solved – final power division started in the Parliament… It is not hard to predict that tense confrontation will begin for the Parliamentary Chairman post”, the Dilis Gazeti says. According to its information, Davit Gamkrelidze – the New Right Wings, Vazha Lortkipanidze – the Citizens’ Union, Akaki Asatiani – the Traditionalists, and Davit Salaridze – the Industrialists are candidates on the post.

The Resonance says the Citizens’ Union did not expect that the President would dismiss all the government members. “At this stage when Kodori gorge is bombed every once a while and the country is actually in war conditions firing the Defense Minister was a political mistake”, member of the faction Kakha Chitaia states.

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