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Parliament Bureau Session. October 4th, 2001

On October 3rd, the parliament Bureau approved agenda of the Parliament’s plenary sessions on October 9-12. A rule of selection of the members into the Central Election Commission is among list of issues to be discussed next week. Chairman of the Parliament Zurab Zhvania stated that he would have additional meetings with the representatives of the non-governmental organizations, in order to compose the Commission in time.

The Bureau included into the agenda an issue of four parliamentarians, suspension of authority of whom has been decided by the Constitutional Court. Conclusions of the Legal and Procedural Committees regarding this matter have been distributed among the Bureau members. The Committee for Legal Issues concludes, that Court’s decision to annul results of elections in any election district cannot be a reason for suspension of the rights of Parliament member. Both Committees suggest, that the Constitutional Court must adopt final decision on presence of these 4 parliamentarians in the Parliament.

The letter by Economic Advisor to the president, Temur Basilia, regarding liabilities of the Georgian side before the International Monetary Fund, has been distributed among the members as well.

The session discussed request by the “Citizens’ Union” faction to nominate faction member Rostom Dolidze for the post of the Chairman of the Committee for Procedural Issues and Rules.

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