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NewsThe Daily Beat

The Daily Beat: 24 August

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Tbilisi to mark the Independence Day of Ukraine and express solidarity with the country fighting against Russian invasion. “Glory to Georgia!”; “Long live Georgia!” – chanted Ukrainians in a show of gratitude to Georgian people at the Tbilisi rally, celebrating Ukraine’s Independence Day. Ukrainian and Georgian anthems, as well as Ukrainian patriotic songs and slogans, were heard at the rally, which started at the monument to Taras Shevchenko and ended in front of the parliament building.

Georgian high officials voiced mixed messages while congratulating Ukraine on its 32nd independence day. President Salome Zurabishvili was clear cut in wishing Ukraine victory and praising their brave fight for independence. In contrast, in its reserved congratulatory message to Ukraine, the foreign ministry wished only peace without any reference to victory. Later in the day, Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili also issued a statement, sending his warmest congratulations and wishing Ukraine restoration of territorial integrity alongside peace. 

The Foreign Ministry reported another death of a Georgian fighter in Ukraine. According to the foreign ministry, the Georgian Embassy in Kyiv has been informed, and the necessary procedures to repatriate the body to Georgia are underway. This latest casualty brings to 38 the unofficial death toll of Georgian citizens killed while fighting in Ukraine since the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022.

According to the Emergency Management Service (Interior Ministry Unit), rescuers found the bodies of two more people in the disaster zone in Shovi, bringing the death toll to 31. The rescue team continues searching as two people are still missing in the Shovi area.


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