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European Georgia: Tbilisi Sakrebulo Proportional List

The Central Election Commission released proportional party lists for Tbilisi City Assembly (Sakrebulo) ahead to October 2 local elections. Overall 31 parties have presented candidate lists.

Below is the list of the first 10 Candidates registered by European Georgia, among them 3 women, 7 – men;

  1. Giorgi Noniashvili, CSO activist
  2. Dato Zhgenti
  3. Nino Ordenidze
  4. Besik Donadze
  5. Lasha Janjgava
  6. Tea Kotua
  7. Giorgi Bakhtadze
  8. Aleksandre Gurabanidze
  9. Malorita Edisherashvili
  10. Temur Gvadzbaia

Recently amended Election Code, as per EU-brokered April 19 deal, has significantly increased the share of proportionally elected candidates in Sakrebulos, for 40 elected proportionally and 10 as majoritarians in Tbilisi Sakrebulo from 25/25 ratio. The amendments also lowered the party threshold in the proportional vote to 2,5% in Tbilisi and 3% in remaining municipalities across Georgia.

European Georgia backs Nika Melia of the UNM as Tbilisi Mayoral candidate and Elene Khoshtaria for Sakrebulo chair.


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