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Opposition Made an Ultimatum to the President

After procrastinated consultations between the ruling party and the opposition the parliamentary minority refused to enter the parliamentary session the electoral law and draft-law on self-governance and governance were supposed to be debated at. The parliamentary majority lost patience and passed the drafts independently.

The electoral law, which is about completing electoral commissions with apolitical non-governmental organizations, was approved by the Citizens Union of Georgia, the ruling party. The opposition did not like the bill and called it non-democratic. The Dilis Gazeti is surprised because the parliamentary minority’s position and states that electoral commissions are never completed through political party principle in European countries. 

“The opposition blames the government in usurpation, while it has always been over particular and the majority has always been ready to perform its demands”, the Dilis Gazeti states. The opposition is planning to sue in the Constitutional Court demanding that the polling results of the parliamentary majority be annulled.

In the opposition’s appeal to the President of Georgia it is said that the parliamentary majority has abrogated the constitution, has used extra polling buttons and passed the draft-laws despite the absence of quorum and the opposition leaving the session showing its protest this way. “Invisible deputies are quite common in the legislative board of Georgia”, the Resonance states.

The opposition has made an ultimatum to the President. In case Shevardnadze does not veto the draft-laws passed by the CUG only the opposition is going to boycott the elections planned by autumn”, the Akhali Taoba states.

The President’s position concerning the problem is unknown yet. “In case he uses the right to veto elections might not be held in autumn” (the Resonance) because of absence of corresponding law.


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