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Weekly Review of the Parliament’s Plenary Sessions. September 11-14, 2001.


The Chairman of Parliament Zurab Zhvania opened Autumn plenary sessions. He dedicated his traditional speech to the political situation in country.  Z.Zhvania noted that crisis of confidence between community and authority puts under doubt the existence of authority.

Z.Zhvania still paid attention to anticorruption measures. Parliament will create concrete structure against corruption – Anticorruption-Monitoring Council. The representatives of NGOs, famous members of community and experts will form the council. Anticorruption-Monitoring Council will discuss each bill until than it goes to plenary session; in case of discovery of corruption or personal interest in the background council will block and bring to light each of them.

Zurab Zhvania declared that he would use all resources to prevent Georgia from confrontational development. Herewith he noted that CUG (Citizens Union of Georgia) holds consultation with some political powers and is ready to achieve common point on the bases of compromises. 

Majority leader Niko Lekishvili declared that if agreement is achieved around local government law and election code with opposition it will be the excellent precedent for future cooperation. He initiated the creation of Confidence Group at President administration working on mentioned issues. Niko Lekishvili noted that local government election conduction depends on development of political events.

The leaders of Factions Revas Adamia, Givi Lominadze, Vladimer Karseladze expressed their position and supported cooperation with opposition.

The only representative of opposition attending the session was Traditionalist Faction. Akaki Asatiani suggested majority to postpone the local government elections and serious revision of Local Government law and Election Code. Opposition has no will to participate in parliament activity because majority in spite of opposition passed Local Government law and Election Code with falsifying. Akaki Asatiani advised majority to answer with contra sentence the opposition idea of boycotting elections.

The Chairman of Parliament supported the idea of Tedo Paatashvili on creation of constitutional majority.

Industry Faction joined session on the second half of the day. Gogi Tofadze didn’t support postponing of elections and herewith demanded to change Local Government law and Election Code. He still touched Industry faction initiated bill on changes and amendments to the Tax Code. If industry faction is not supported by parliament on the issues they requested they are going to leave parliament.

1.Resolution decree on “agreement of Parliament on Levan Dzneladze candidature on Tax-Revenue minister”

Parliament secretary of President Valeri Khaburzania represented minister candidate.

Levan Dzneladze applied Parliament with program speech and gained support of MPs.

For – 118 
Against – 0


1. Draft project on “changes and amendments to the law on “creative workers and creative unions”
The deputy chairman of committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sport Davit Magradze represented draft project.

It was discussed by II hearing.

For – 107 
Against – 1

2. Draft project on “protection of under age persons from the harmful influence”

The chairman of State Department of Youth Issues Zurab Gaiparashvili represented draft project.

It was discussed by II hearing.

For – 110 
Against – 4

3. Draft project on “changes to the law on “migrants inspect tax”

The deputy minister of Relocation Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Gaioz Nozadze represented draft project.

Was voted by simplified rule.

For – 110 
Against – 3

4. Draft project on “total census of population”

The head of state department of statistics Teimuraz Beridze represented draft project.

It was discussed by I hearing.

For – 114 
Against – 2

5. Resolution decree on “prolongation of authority to temporary investigation commission studying old Tbilisi historical neighborhood building restoration and new constructions legitimacy”

Head of temporary investigation commission studying old Tbilisi historical neighborhood building restoration and new constructions legitimacy Davit Magradze represented resolution decree.

Commission was prolonged for six months.

For – 108 
Against – 0

6. Georgian Parliament statement on USA tragedy

Committee on Foreign Affairs prepared the statement.  The head of committee Nino Burjanadze informed Parliament statement texts, where Georgian Parliament worries on USA tragedy, which sacrificed of thousands of innocent people and condoles with American people, USA Congress and President.

Georgia experienced terrorism results on itself. Georgia applies all civilized state and International Organization to fight against terrorism, as happened goes far away from national borders of USA.

For – 118 
Against – 0


1. Draft project on “Commerce-Industry chamber of Georgia”

The head of Committee on Sectional Economy Zurab Tskitishvili represented draft project.

Baramidze – Merabishvili opposed the author of draft project Zurab Tskitishvili on the issue. The head of Committee on Defense and Security demanded Parliament temporary investigation commission to study Commerce-Industry chamber activity, as the organization existed illegally till October 25, 1997. Gia Barmidze will support draft project in case of investigation of organization activity.

The pretenses of Vano Merabishvili referred to non-existed mechanisms of community control on Chamber. Merabishvili didn’t agree to give Commerce-Industry chamber the status of public law juridical subject.

Zurab Tskitishvili maintained that draft project creates quite new subject. The only connection between old and new organizations is the hereditary issues. As Z.Tskitishvili noted all committees of Parliament including Economic politics committee, all Factions, ministries, private organizations – Payers Union, Entrepreneurs Union and International Commerce Chamber supported draft project.

It was discussed by I hearing.

For – 78 
Against 8

After the voting Gia Barmidze’s insisting demand Parliament temporary investigation commission to study Commerce-Industry chamber activity was refused motivating it with violation of regulation procedures and non-having quorum.


1.Draft project on “employment”

The minister of Health And Social Protection Avtandil Jorbenadze represented draft project.

By the draft subsidies and credits will stimulate small, middle and family businesses. It will help the solution of employment problem in the country.

It was discussed by II hearing, paragraph by paragraph.

For – 112 
Against – 1

2. Draft project on “taxes on coping public information”

The head of legal committee Zurab Adeishvili represented draft project.

Bill will help to set in motion Administrative Code. Bill defines fixed tax for coping public information: 1 page – 5 Tetri; 1 hour video-audio record – 50 Tetri. Income will be directed to Budget.

Was voted by I hearing.

For – 101 
Against – 2

3. Draft project on “changes and amendment to the Administrative procedure Code of Georgia”

The head of Legal Committee Zurab Adeishvili represented draft project.

Bill regulates the rules of complaining Judge sentence in higher instance of court /connected to Industry Control law/. A person should apply to district court in 24 hours and Court must discuss the issue during three days.

Was voted by simplified rule.

For – 102 
Against – 1

4. Resolution decree on “approval of composition of commission on study of the legitimacy of actions by single high position officials”

The head of commission on study of the legitimacy of actions by single high position officials Mikheil Osadze represented draft project.

Irakli Gogava will fill CUG quota.

For – 98 
Against – 0




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