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Georgian Leaders Condemn Manchester Attack

Georgian officials joined world leaders in condemning the Manchester attack that left at least 22 people dead.

Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said in his statement that he was “saddened by the terrorist attack in Manchester, England that claimed the lives of at least 19 people and left many injured.” 

“We wholeheartedly share your sorrow in this challenging time,” he added.

“I believe that the civilized world will launch even more vigorous efforts against terrorism and as a united force we will achieve peace across the world,” the Prime Minister also stated.

President Giorgi Margvelashvili issued a short statement as well, saying he is “horrified” by the terrorist act in Manchester.

“The Georgian government and people unconditionally condemn any forms of terrorism. We, along with the international community, continue to fight against the greatest threat to modernity,” Margvelashvili stated.

“In these trying times, on behalf of the Georgian people and myself, I extend my condolences to the families of victims and express support to the government and the people of Great Britain,” the President concluded.

Parliamentary Chairman Irakli Kobakhidze released a short statement as well, saying he is “horrified and deeply concerned” by the terrorist act in Manchester.

“Terrorism is the greatest threat to peace and stability. It is everyone’s duty, regardless of their social status and political position, to unite against this challenge and combat it by joint efforts, solidarity and cooperation,” Kobakhidze added.

“On behalf of the Parliament of Georgia, I extend condolences to my British counterparts, families and relatives of victims, and wish quick recovery and life in a terrorism-free world to those injured,” Kobakhidze concluded.


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