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Annual Inflation 5.2% in September

Georgia’s annual inflation stood at 5.2% in September, after 5.4% in August, according to the state statistics office Geostat.

On a monthly basis consumer price rose 1.1% in September.

Annual inflation in alcoholic beverages and cigarettes was among the highest across all groups of goods and services in September at 13.4%; prices in household maintenance and equipment group rose 11.6% y/y and prices in healthcare were up by 9.8%.

Annual inflation for housing, water and energy rose 7.2% in September.

Food prices rose 4.2%. Prices in transport group were down by 1.8% y/y in September.

Georgia’s central bank raised late last month its key refinancing rate by one percentage point to 7%, citing “significant increase in the inflation expectations” amid depreciation of the national currency lari.

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