A section from the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
(a) Plan for Normalization – Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, develop and submit to the congressional defense committees and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a plan for the normalization of United States defense cooperation with the Republic of Georgia, including the sale of defensive arms.
(b) Objectives – The plan required under subsection (a) shall address the following objectives:
(1) To establish a normalized defense cooperation relationship between the United States and the Republic of Georgia, taking into consideration the progress of the Government of the Republic of Georgia on democratic and economic reforms and the capacity of the Georgian armed forces.
(2) To support the Government of the Republic of Georgia in providing for the defense of its government, people, and sovereign territory, consistent with the continuing commitment of the Government of the Republic of Georgia to its nonuse-of-force pledge and consistent with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.
(3) To provide for the sale by the United States of defense articles and services in support of the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Georgia to provide for its own self-defense consistent with paragraphs (1) and (2).
(4) To continue to enhance the ability of the Government of the Republic of Georgia to participate in coalition operations and meet NATO partnership goals.
(5) To encourage NATO member and candidate countries to restore and enhance their sales of defensive articles and services to the Republic of Georgia as part of a broader NATO effort to deepen its defense relationship and cooperation with the Republic of Georgia.
(6) To ensure maximum transparency in the United States-Georgia defense relationship.
(c) Included Information – The plan required under subsection (a) shall include the following information:
(1) A needs-based assessment, or an update to an existing needs-based assessment, of the defense requirements of the Republic of Georgia, which shall be prepared by the Department of Defense.
(2) A description of each of the requests by the Government of the Republic of Georgia for purchase of defense articles and services during the two-year period ending on the date of the report.
(3) A summary of the defense needs asserted by the Government of the Republic of Georgia as justification for its requests for defensive arms purchases.
(4) A description of the action taken on any defensive arms sale request by the Government of the Republic of Georgia and an explanation for such action.
(d) Form – The plan required under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex.