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Draft of New Electoral Code Released

Draft of the new electoral code was posted on the Parliament’s website on Friday evening (doc file available in Georgian).

The new 141-page document is slated to replace the current 171-page electoral code, which has been amended for 46 times since its approval in 2001.    

It first emerged on September 13 that the ruling party drafted the new electoral code; the news came as a surprise, because although there were some indications previously that the code should be changed with the new one, focus recently was mainly made on emending the code to put it in line with an electoral system reform deal reached between the ruling party and several opposition parties in June.

Provisions of this deal, involving, among others, increasing seats in Parliament from current 150 to 190 (also requiring a constitutional amendment) and party campaign funding, are envisaged in the new draft, which is expected to be formally initiated in the Parliament on September 19.

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