
Georgian Officials Comment on Ganmukhuri Incident

Incident in Ganmukhuri was Russian-masterminded ?provocation,? senior Georgian officials said.

?Russia has confirmed that it is a country, which is not interested in peaceful settlement of conflict in Abkhazia,? Davit Bakradze, the Georgian state minister for conflict resolution issues, said. ?This is the gravest provocation, which may trigger very grave consequences and the entire responsibility for these consequences will lay on the Russian Federation.?

?It was a very dangerous provocation,? Givi Targamadze, the chairman of the parliamentary committee for defense and security, said. ?Such provocations fuel up tensions that may lead to armed confrontation. It is very good that the special troops of our Interior Ministry responded to this provocation so quickly and effectively.?

Meanwhile, Targamadze?s deputy, Nika Rurua, a lawmaker from the ruling party, alleged that the Ganmukhuri incident was part of chain of provocations also involving recent campaign by the ten opposition parties.

?This provocation ? I cannot call it otherwise ? has coincided with the recent developments masterminded by our opposition. Everything looks like a little component of a big picture. The Russian peacekeepers? behavior, in itself, will fail to change anything on the ground, because the Georgian state is strong enough to defend itself against any aggression,? MP Rurua said.


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