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Opposition Walks Out in Protest of Interior Minister

Parliamentarians from the New Rights and Democratic Front opposition factions walked out of a parliamentary session on February 28, while Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili was briefing the Parliament about the investigation of the murder case of Sandro Girgvliani.

“I will not be able to answer most of the question which have been asked by you [parliamentarians], as I am afraid to make a statement which might harm the investigation or which might be regarded as pressure on the investigation,” Minister Merabishvili said after the opposition MPs asked questions about some details of this murder case.

Merabishvili said that there is still no reason to dismiss those top-level officials from the Interior Ministry who have allegedly been linked to the Girgvliani murder case.

Questions were also asked about the investigation of an attack against opposition MP Valery Gelashvili in July, 2005. But the Interior Minister said nothing about this issue during his address.

When Merabishvili was about to end his address, parliamentarians from the opposition factions walked out from the Parliament’s chamber chanting “it is shame,” referring to the Interior Minister’s statements.

Parliamentary Chairperson Nino Burjanadze expressed surprise regarding the opposition’s reactions. “Everyone understands that we could not speak about many details of the investigation during this session,” Nino Burjanadze said.

“Everything should be done to investigate this case promptly and to punish everyone – whoever they are – who is guilty of committing this crime,” she added.

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