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U.S. Highlights its Efforts over Democracy in Georgia

The report issued by the U.S. Department of State on May 17, highlighting its efforts over democracy and human rights in the 101 countries, described Georgia?s last November Revolution of Rose as ?a success story.?

?Such democratic success stories are unfortunately rare, however,? the report says.
?The U.S. strategy for promoting democracy and human rights employs a combination of consistent, high-level diplomacy and assistance programs. The combination of diplomatic and programmatic efforts was particularly effective in promoting a positive resolution to the [last November?s] post-election crisis in Georgia. The United States continues to fund projects supporting free media, civil society, including human rights groups, religious freedom, democratic elections, good governance, the rule of law and anti-trafficking measures,? the report reads.

The U.S. also highlights its specific role in promoting democracy and increase participation and transparency in the November parliamentary elections, by providing funding for pre-election activities.

?The United States continues to provide strong support to leading NGOs that promote human rights, religious freedoms, anti-corruption and issue-based advocacy throughout the country?, the report says.

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