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NATO Calls Russia, Georgia for Talks over Military Bases

Visiting NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer told a press conference in Moscow on April 8, that Tbilisi and Moscow should resume talks over withdrawal of Russia’s military bases from Georgia as soon as possible.

He said that the issue was discussed during his meeting with Georgian President Saakashvili in Brussels on April 7.

Following the statement of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Russian Foreign Ministry expressed readiness to renew talks over the military bases.

“Agreement should be reached and the Russian side is determined to foster reaching accord over the issue,” Alexander Yakovenko, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Minister, told reporters.

Russia has two military bases in Georgia – in Adjarian Autonomy’s capital Batumi and southern Georgian town of Akhalkalaki.

The issue of a military base in Gudauta, breakaway Abkhazia, remains unclear yet. Russia claims that it has already pulled out from Gudauta, however Georgia insists on international monitoring of the base.

Russia recently announced that it will take around 7-9 years to pull out from Batumi and Akhalkalaki bases, however Georgian side demands Russian militaries’ withdrawal within three years.

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