CoE Calls Abashidze for Talks
Secretary General of Council of Europe (CoE) Walter Schwimmer called the Adjarian leadership to refrain from use of force and violence.
Speaking at the press conference in Tbilisi on February 20, after visiting the Adjarian capital Batumi, Walter Schwimmer also called both Tbilisi and Batumi for “a constructive dialogue.”
“Constructive negotiations has no alternative. I told Mr. Abashidze to talk not only with Tbilisi but also with the local opposition,” the CoE Secretary General told the press conference.
The opposition movement Our Adjara’s offices were raided in Adjarian capital Batumi on February 20, after the opposition staged a protest rally in Batumi.
Earlier the supporters of Aslan Abashidze clashed with the opposition.
Our Adjara’s Tbilisi office issued a statement saying that Aslan Abashidze is personally responsible for the violence that took place in Adjara on February 20.
Secretary of the Georgian National Security Council Vano Merabishvili said, while commenting on violence in Adjara that the law enforcement agencies “know all the persons, who masterminded these clashes and raid on the opposition offices.”
“Every one behind this violence will be strictly punished,” Vano Merabishvili added.
The clashes between the supporters and opposition of the Adjarian leader took place, while the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer was holding talks with Aslan Abashidze. Later he met with the opposition leaders in Adjara.