Revival Doubts over Participation in Elections
(Tbilisi, July 24, 2003, Civil Georgia) – After adoption of the rule of composition of the Central Election Commission (CEC) by the Georgian Parliament on July 24, Chairman of the Parliamentary Revival faction Jemal Gogitidze considers senseless to participate in the Parliamentary elections scheduled for November 2.
“This rule of composition of the CEC is unacceptable for us. This is not Baker’s plan, this is Shevardnadze’s plan. Our party has not decided whether to boycott the elec!
tions or not,” Gogitidze told the Rustavi 2 TV channel on July 24.
He said the Revival party, which is backed by the leader of the Adjarian Autonomous Republic Aslan Abashidze, would fix its position over boycotting the parliamentary elections at a meeting of the party’s leadership in the nearest days.
After heated discussions till late midnight Parliamentary special session adopted on July 24 rule of composition of the Central Election Commission, which considers implementation of the US-suggested election guidelines, delivered in Georgia by the former US Secretary of State James Baker.
According to the rule the CEC will be composed with the five representatives of the pro-governmental election alliance and nine representatives of the opposition parties. The chairman of the CEC will be nominated by the OSCE and approved by the CEC members. Each opposition party will have one seat in the CEC.
The Revival and Industrialists factions were against the!
proposal demanding four and two seats in the CEC respectivel!