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US Military Official Inspects Border Guard Unit

(Tbilisi, May 15, – Otar Shalikashvili, a chief advisor of the US Defense Secretary for US-Georgian military cooperation inspects units of Georgian Defense Ministry, which will be trained by the US military trainers in the anti-terrorist activity.

US military official has already inspected unit of Georgian Border Guard Department deployed in Poti, town at Black Sea coast.

Together with the four battalions of the Defense Ministry, the US military instructors in the frames of the Train-and-Equip program will train one unit of the Border Guard Department.

US Defense Secretary advisor supervises implementation of the Train-and-Equip program for the Georgian troops.

According to the Georgian Defense Ministry 75 US military trainers are to arrive in Georgia on May 20.

The US Special Operations Command Europe survey team has already conducted coordination of the Train-and-Equip program’s logistical requirements in Georgia.


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