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The Parliamentary Majority Practically Does Not Exist

The Akhali Taoba; The Resonance

Division of political powers in the Parliament is continued in quick regime. Number of MPs having left the Citizens’ Union and the parliamentary majority is increased every day. According to the Akhali Taoba 20 MPs have already left the CUG.

A new centrist faction called “Tanadgoma” will be established by the several CUG members these days. “This unity will be a reliable force for the President of course. It will dissociate from radical-reformers who are said to be very irresponsible lately”, the paper reports. By the way, the Akhali Taoba has always been critical about the young reformers wing of Saakashvili and Zhvania.

“Officially the parliamentary majority still exists for 118 MPs are formally united in it but it practically does not exist any more”, the Resonance says.  In case at least one MP leaves the majority it will finally collapse.

Zurab Zhvania is losing his political base so quickly that he cannot even realize. He has only 40 supporters left in the legislative governmental branch, the Akhali Taoba states. The paper presumes that members of Zhvania’s team will leave all high positions taken in the Parliament.

The Resonance tries to find out what the reason of parliamentary majority collapse was. “Part of independent experts share the idea of the opposition and consider that the process of collapse started when Zurab Zhvania did not compromise to the opposition guaranteeing himself the post of Prime Minister. The opposition’s summer boycotting and temporary unity resulted in the collapse of the majority”, the paper says. 


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