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The Parliament will Debate the Problem of Abkhazia Tomorrow

The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti; The Akhali Taoba

“Events taken place in Abkhazia recently have made it obvious that it is time that the Parliament put the issue on the agenda”, the Resonance states. That was probably why the parliamentary opposition was over with boycott yesterday, which had lasted for more than two months. The Parliament was renewed with its usual monotonous and boring rhythm, the Dilis Gazeti says.

Reason of the opposition rejoining the majority was the extreme condition created in the country, Vakhtang Rcheulishvili, leader of the faction Socialist, told the Akhali Taoba.

One of the issues the opposition insists on discussing is that of Abkhazia. Committee of Defense and Security started talks bout the problem yesterday. “Debating the issue so quickly is related to the tensed situation in Abkhazia as well as the statements made by the Russian side but not because of the opposition insisting on it”, the Dilis Gazeti assumes.

While debating the constitutional amendments it is important to make an amendment notifying that Abkahzia is de jure a part of Georgia, head of the faction “Abkhazia” Givi Lominadze told the Resonance. “This will be a strict demand that Russian Peace Corps leave the territory of Georgian”, he said.


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