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NewsPresidentials 2018

Ivanishvili Addresses the Nation

With the second round of the Presidential Elections looming, the founder and leader of the ruling Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia (GDDG), Bidzina Ivanishvili has addressed the nation today. Below is the full text:

„I would like to address my people!

I would like, to address you based on the responsibility that I have towards you!

But today, it is most important for me to address those of you who are disappointed!

I want to tell you, that I understand you well! That I hear your heartache and your disappointment.

I hear that you are dissatisfied, since your life did not improve.

I hear, that you are dissatisfied, since you think that some officials are caring about their own well-being more than about that of the people.

You are dissatisfied, since you think that the current government did not manage to restore justice.

Many of you are angry because we made the threat of the return of the violent regime possible.

I am not planning to speak about the 9-year regime that has trampled upon all rights, all dignity and many of you have borne the brunt yourself and through your families.

….nor about our successes.

Today, the most important thing is that our motherland is once again standing at the historical crossroads – there is high risk of taking a wrong decision, but, at the same time, this is the moment of opportunity, of renewal.

Several months ago, I had to return to politics. I had to come back, because I saw that the problems were getting deeper, and there was no effective mechanism for addressing them. But as it turned out, the people were seeing these problems even deeper and clearer. I can not but agree with you today.

But there is one thing we shall all remember!

Our opponent today is not a political party. Against us today are the forces of violence poised for revenge. We are facing this adversity and it is our fault that it has come to pass.

When the government distances itself from the people, it is losing people’s trust. And now I want to say for all to hear:

Our political union exists only for serving the people, nobody shall think that the party has a value on its own. It is a tool, to achieve the ultimate goal – better future for the people. Thus, if the Georgian Dream is not working well, if any of its branches have failed in service of the people, I will be the first one to oppose it.

What we can not allow, is that from these mistakes benefits a force, which in reality wants to wipe out all the values that we hold dear. We need to see the mistakes rightly and criticize them. Our opponents, with their machine of lies spinning at full speed, want to wipe everything out. They do not wish to right the mistakes! They want to destroy everything, and, which is the saddest thing, at all costs!

The opponents are conducting a campaign based only on lies. They are shamelessly promising people, things that go completely beyond the responsibilities of the president in a parliamentary republic while, at the same time, announcing the liberation of people convicted for torture and abuse, which – apart from being offensive to society – is carrying direct threats of destabilisation.

In 2012 we got rid of the regime rooted in violence. We have traveled the most difficult period, and we have tried to put the country on the rails of stable development. On this road, we have achieved significant successes:

Business, free media were set free from state racket, important social programs were launched, in an extremely complex economic environment, we have gained regional leadership, and much more.

On the international arena, our American and European friends are more and more realistically considering integration of our country into the NATO and the EU.

Despite many risks, from the point of our independence, Georgia never had such stable years of development.

And despite these successes, poverty remains the key challenge. Therefore, we need decisive changes, first of all to all socially vulnerable groups. Unlike many populists, naturally I won’t be speaking about specific numbers, but I would say for certain, that pensioners’ and displaced persons’ assistance shall be drastically reviewed! Caring for them is the matter of honor for us, and we shall do it!

The staff policy shall urgently change, it should be based on experienced cadre, but will constantly attract new cadre, especially the youth. Youth shall be involved in management and in developing policy!

My friends, there are decisive moments in country’s life, when people become the author of seminal changes and our nation has shown such wisdom many times before.

I want to address Georgian Dream’s old guard, those who have managed the impossible in historic days in 2012: Georgia needs your dedication and your experience once again, needs your civic heroism. I know your heartache. I know each and every reason of your discontent. I promise you, that all patriots will find their place, commensurate with their service in our united family. No contribution will go unnoticed!

I want to remind you something that I have declared before the elections – I am taking the responsibility, for redressing in one year all errors of governance and I will use all resources available to me, so that the development of the country becomes irreversible.

The most important thing is, that being angry at the government and at some officials, wishing to punish the government, we do not punish our future and our country, and not throw into the abyss everything we invested our lives into in 2012.

I am confident, that we will make a choice for our people’s well-being, liberty, dignity and we will succeed in building a modern Georgia, oriented towards an individual.”

Official English version of the address can be found here


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