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Defense Minister on New Reserve Concept

The new Georgian military reserve system, to be introduced in the near future, was one of the topics of an interview Defense Minister Levan Izoria gave to Imedi TV on December 21, a day after his pre-confidence vote appearance before the lawmakers.

Izoria said the new concept envisioned two reserve components. One of them – “the active reserve” – is to include former soldiers, both contract and drafted ones. The active reserve will not be compulsory, however, with former servicemen only having an opportunity to volunteer for membership, with contract and salary. The active reserve members will have to train 45 days a year.

The second – “the mobilization component,” – according to Izoria, “involve broader participation of the society.” The Ministry of Defense will have an electronic database, supposed to include “every citizen that can potentially be ready for mobilization.” Izoria said these citizens would be categorized within this system, with their organized mobilization prepared in advance.

Izoria added that the reserve concept had been prepared after “very close cooperation with all stakeholders,” including the Parliament members, the President and the NGOs, and characterized the new concept as “new and specific initiatives” that would strengthen Georgia’s defensive potential, with both active and mobilization reserve.

In his interview, the Defense Minister also mentioned that the U.S. Congress had agreed to the Javelin anti-armor missile sale to Georgia, and that the equipment required for the first phase of the French anti-air system installment had already arrived in Georgia, with the training of the Georgian personnel to begin early next year.

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