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CDM Wants ‘Constitutional Amendments Against Immorality’

Following a march of gay activists in Tbilisi, which was thwarted by an Orthodox group on May 17, lawmakers from the Christian-Democratic Movement (CDM), called for constitutional amendments in order to deter, as they put it, propaganda of “homosexuality and indecency.”   

“We condemn any form of violence no matter who is a perpetrator,” MP Giorgi Targamadze, the leader of CDM and of a small parliamentary minority group said, referring to a fist-fight that broke on May 17 after an Orthodox group blocked gay activists’ march.

“But at the same time we are against of portraying it [this march] as a harmless stroll by representatives of sexual minority or by thier supporters,” MP Targamadze said.

He said that the march itself was not “an eventual goal” of gay activists, adding that their “eventual goal is legal and moral legalization of homosexuality, indecency and wrong way of life.”

MP Targamadze said that in “some countries homosexuals are holding top level government posts and the right of same sex marriage is constitutionally guaranteed.” He said that this “example of some European states cannot serve as a guide for us.”

CDM MP Nika Laliashvili told that his party’s proposal for constitutional amendments would involve several points: to further stress the role of Christianity in the constitution (the role of Orthodox Christian Church is already defined by a constitutional agreement between the state and the Church); introducing “moral criteria” that should be met by persons holding government posts; ban on disseminating such information that can be “insulting for a person’s religious feelings”; to add a clause to the constitution according to which the state will “recognize and protect” that marriage is between a man and a woman.

In his speech in the Parliament, CDM leader MP Targamadze said that his party was strongly in favor of separation of Church from the state and separation of the Church from the education system, “but it does not mean that we should be a society empty of religious values.”

“We live in Georgia – the country where fortunately traditional values are still strong and where over 80% of the population states that they are Christians and where over 7% of the population says they are Muslims… We believe that the Georgian legislations and the constitution should reflect values, which are valuable for the multi-ethnic society of this country,” he said.

He also said that for next four months CDM would be gathering signatures of Georgian citizens in order to formally initiate proposed constitutional amendments; that means that the proposal is not likely to be discussed by sitting Parliament, as parliamentary elections are scheduled for October.

“We are not fighting against anyone, we are protecting our traditional way of life,” MP Targamadze said.

In a response to these remarks, a ruling party MP Lasha Tordia said it was “very regrettable that from this high parliamentary rostrum a lawmaker makes statements, which in fact fuel strife between certain members of the society.”

“I was expecting you to make a call for being tolerant and to say that what happened on May 17 [fist-fight during the gay activists’ march] was immoral and unacceptable for everyone who stands for the principle of building democratic state.”

He also said it was unacceptable to, on the one hand, claim being a human rights defender and “on the other hand to make  homophobic statements.”

In a response lawmaker from CDM, Nika Laliashvili, told the ruling party MP to stop portraying CDM’s proposals and statement by its leader “as if we are supporting beating of someone” or as if CDM’s proposed constitutional amendments were encouraging hatred.

“To say the truth I did not expect that those who held gay march in Tbilisi streets would have such supporters,” Laliashvili said in response to MP Tordia’s remarks. “These groups are violently trying to impose their indecent ideology on the rest of the Georgian society.”

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