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G8 Leaders Pledge Assistance in Georgia’s Fight Against Corruption

Georgia officials, in collaboration with the members of G8, an informal group of eight countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States), announced Thursday their intention to cooperate in efforts to promote transparency and  help combat corruption within the Republic of Georgia, reports the White House press office.

Georgia and G8 share the view that corruption is a threat to democratic institutions, economic development and to the integrity of the international system of trade and investment. Georgia and the members of G8 recognize that promoting transparency, integrity and fighting corruption will require commitment and action on all sides.

The new government of Georgia realizes that success depends on the ability to develop and implement reforms.

?Improved governance and the rule of law requires comprehensive action against corruption. Our highest priority is promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity,? reads a statement issued by the Georgian Government.

A number of G8 countries are prepared to work to find ways to support the efforts of the Georgian authorities to help enhance transparency, improved appropriation of public resources and the fight against corruption. Participating G8 countries intend to join in a voluntary and cooperative partnership with Georgia to help improve transparency in specific areas, identified as national priorities by the Government of Georgia.

Representatives from the Georgian Government and from the participating G8 countries intend to meet soon in order to carry this initiative forward to the next operational stage. The partner countries intend to work together to develop a technical plan of action. The technical plan will be based on Georgia’s stated priorities of building on its current efforts and actions in the spheres of transparency, public financial management and accountability.

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