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Shevardnadze Satisfied with CEC’s Activity

President Shevardnadze is satisfied with the implementation of pre-election procedures in the country, saying that no efforts should be spared to hold fair parliamentary elections on November 2.

He also hailed the work of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

“The commission and its chairperson Nana Devdariani managed to do a great deal of work, that is praiseworthy. Much has been done and much is still to be done as little time is left before the elections,” President Shevardnadze said in his radio broadcast on September 22.

The Central Election Commission completed on September 21 accepting of applications of the political parties and election blocs willing to participate in the elections. 5 political parties and 9 election blocs have submitted applications.

The commission should complete the registration process of the parties and blocs before September 26.

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