Police Chase Seven Suspects in Shaw’s Kidnapping
(Tbilisi, June 25, Civil Georgia) – Georgian Interior Minister Koba Narchemashvili told the reporters today that the police look for seven persons suspected in abduction of British citizen Peter Shaw.
“The seven criminals kidnapped Shaw, but we suppose that more persons are involved in the case. I hope they are still in Tbilisi and could not leave the city,” Narchemashvili said.
Identikits of seven kidnapper suspects are handed over to the policemen. Narchemashvili said that the identikits are not available for the public, because of the interests of the investigation.
58-year-old director of the Agro-business Bank Peter Shaw was abducted in Tbilisi from his own car late at night on June 18. The police have found only two cars of criminals and the car of Shaw so far in one of the suburbs of Tbilisi.