Supreme Court Rejects Zhvania’s Appeal on CUG Case
(Tbilisi, May 10, Civil.ge) – Today Supreme Court rejected Zurab Zhvania’s appeal on cancellation of the Tbilisi district court’s decision on suspension of registration of the Citizens’ Union of Georgia [CUG] party’s organization council, chaired by Zurab Zhvania.
After the Supreme Court’s decision Zurab Zhvania is left without any authority over the CUG.
Tbilisi district court suspended registration of the organizational council, main governing body of the CUG, on basis of the appeal of pro-Presidential members of the CUG, led by influential governor of Kvemo Kartli Levan Mamaladze.
Zurab Zhvania hold meeting with the foreign diplomats after the Supreme Court’s decision and informed them concerning the recent developments over his political group. Zhvania called the process political pressure against him and his supporters.