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A Protocol on Georgian Troops’ Pullout from Kodori not Signed

(Tbilisi, March 30, Civil Georgia) – Peace talks between Abkhazian and Georgian sides on Georgian troops’ withdrawal from Kodori gorge, held on March 29 in Sukhumi [breakaway Abkhazia’s capital], ended without signing a protocol.

Abkhazian side demands Georgian troops’ withdrawal from the upper Kodori gorge, the only territory in Abkhazia controlled by the Georgian government.

Abkhazian side demands to write down in the protocol withdrawal of “Georgian troops”, while Georgian side insists on the phrase “Georgian armed forces”, which means units subordinated to the Defense Ministry.

Abkhazians fear that official Tbilisi will leave in the gorge border guards that are not under the Defense Ministry’s subordination.

The talks are to be continued. The both parties, as well as UN special envoy Dieter Boden claim that the protocol will be signed within the three days.

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