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Competition Announced for Vacant Post of GPB Head

The Georgian Public Broadcaster’s (GPB) board of trustees announced on Monday a competition to select new general director of the broadcaster.

The post became vacant after Giorgi Baratashvili filed his resignation two years before the expiration of his term in office.

Baratashvili became GPB’s director general for a six-year term in December 2012. Since then the board sacked him twice in March 2013 and then in August 2013, but in the both cases Baratashvili took his firing to the court and won his post back.  

Candidates having public recognition and confidence, who are Georgian citizens, have master’s degrees or equivalent thereof, at least 10 years of work experience, including at least five years of work experience in journalistic, human rights, and/or academic fields, are eligible to submit applications no later than December 28. The board of trustees shall reveal the winner within the next 10 days.

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