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Website of State Ministry for Reconciliation Hacked

The State Ministry for Reconciliation and Civic Equality said its website was hacked on Tuesday afternoon.

The homepage was replaced by a page showing animated image of a nose-picking anime character with messages in English, among them: “Hacked by Error 7rB” and “No System Is Safe Access to the Site Was Easy”.

The state ministry said that it temporarily took down the website; it was not accessible as of Tuesday evening.

Georgian government websites have been hacked before. Early last month website of the State Ministry for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration was hacked with message on its page reading: “Hacked By Cyber Islamic State”. Agriculture Ministry’s website has been hacked twice since December; websites of Environment Ministry and State Ministry for Diaspora were hacked last March and this January, respectively. Website of Parliament came under cyber attack in January, 2014.


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