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GD Replaces One of Deputy Speakers of Parliament

The Georgian Dream parliamentary majority group recalled MP Zurab Abashidze of Free Democrats party from vice speaker’s position, replacing him by its lawmaker Gubaz Sanikidze of National Forum party.

MP Sanikidze’s nomination was endorsed by the Parliament with 104 votes to 0 on Thursday.

MP Abashidze held the position from the quota of the GD parliamentary majority group, but after his FD party quit the GD ruling coalition in November, GD became eligible to replace Abashidze.

There are five posts of vice speaker three of which are held by lawmakers from the GD parliamentary majority group; two others are held by UNM’s Giorgi Baramidze and an independent MP Murman Dumbadze, a former GD lawmaker.

Free Democrats retain three parliamentary posts: MP Victor Dolidze is chairman of the committee for European integration; MP Davit Onoprishvili chairs the committee for finance and budgetary issues, and MP Gia Tsagareishvili is chairman of the committee for environment protection and natural resources.

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