Manifesto of Unity
The authorities have brought the state’s development into a deadlock in a recent period. The country is in the condition of deep political, economic and social crisis. Continuing violations of human rights by the authorities; infringement on private property rights; the judiciary system’s fall into decay and finally dragging Georgia into the military provocation staged and initiated by Russia in August 2008 has triggered hopelessness and nihilism, as well as mistrust in the large part of the population.
Mikheil Saakashvili resigns and holding of the early presidential elections are required first of all in order to save the country’s future.
Only afterwards it will be possible to build a democratic, legal state, where the rule of law will be established, the judiciary will be independent and fair and the fundamental rights of each citizen will be protected.
We reaffirm, that on April 9, 2009 we will launch a peaceful protest rally through which we will achieve Mikheil Saakashvili’s resignation from the post of the president and appointment of early presidential elections.
At the same time, we also affirm that:
- This protest rally expresses the will of large part of the country’s population;
- The rally will be peaceful and will be held in frames of the constitution;
- We will act in accordance with the people’s will and through the agreement with the people;
- Action plans of the civil society groups and political forces participating in the rally will be agreed and coordinated with each other;
- We, the faithful to the manifesto, pledge our respect and cooperation to the politicians, political groups and representatives of the society participating in the rally. At the same time, we offer co-participation in the process of building free and democratic state to all those supporters and members of the present authorities, who will timely share our aspirations.
We believe that our country will firmly take the path of democratic development in the near future as a result of wise, reasonable, united and target-oriented actions, as well as through the support of the international community.