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Shamba: Russian Bases Only Security Guarantee

Sokhumi and Moscow are nearing to finalize military agreement, envisaging stationing two Russian bases in the region – one in Ochamchire and another in Gudauta, Sergey Shamba, the breakaway Abkhazia’s foreign minister, said.

“We deem Russian bases as the only reliable security guarantee for Abkhazia,” Abkhaz news agency reported on March 2, quoted Shamba. “In this context we are interested in deployment of these bases here as soon as possible.”

He said that Russia would also assist Abkhazia in protecting its borders.

“We have a long border with Georgia and it is difficult for us to control it on our own against the background of our neighbor’s aggressiveness,” he said. “If only we had normal relations with Georgia, we would have solved these issues otherwise. But in the light of current reality, we very much require cooperation with Russia on military and border protection issues.”

Shamba also said that Russia’s assistance would also include supply of necessary border protection infrastructure and equipment.


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