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New Rights Want Patarkatsishvili in Tbilisi Mayoral Race

Leader of the opposition New Rights party MP Davit Gamkrelidze said on August 29 that his party will participate in the October 5 local self-governance elections if he can convince influential media and financial tycoon Badri Patarkatsishvili to run for the Tbilisi mayoral race.

Speaking at a news conference in Tbilisi MP Gamkrelidze said that Patarkatsishvili?s consent combined with the creation of an opposition bloc will be a good precondition for success in the upcoming elections.

?The New Rights? position is that participation in these elections is only possible if there is a chance for success. A chance for success remains high if Badri Patarkatsishvili agrees to run [for the Tbilisi Mayor?s Office]. In few days Patarkatsishvili plans to return to Tbilisi [from London] and I will continue consultations with him. On the other hand, the formation of a favorable configuration of opposition parties is also necessary for victory in the elections,? MP Gamkrelidze said.

The opposition parties must agree about forms of cooperation before September 7 because, according to the law, parties that want to unite in an election bloc have to submit a relevant appeal to the Central Elections Commission (CEC) 28 days before the elections.


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