
Officials Brief Foreign Diplomats over Kodori Gorge

Deputy Foreign, Interior and Defense Ministers, as well as State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues met with a group of foreign diplomats accredited in Georgia on August 15 to brief them over the current situation in the Kodori gorge.

?We have fixed the position of the Georgian government, which is against the involvement of Russian peacekeepers in the monitoring, because we think that they are not impartial and fail to perform their duties,? Deputy Defense Minister Mamuka Kudava told reporters following the talks with foreign diplomats. 

?Along with the upper Kodori gorge, the UN Mission should also conduct monitoring in the lower part of the gorge. We demand it categorically,? Kudava added.

The Georgian side reiterated its readiness to launch monitoring in the upper Kodori gorge starting from August 20 and pledged to ensure security guarantees for the UN observers.

?We are ready for this monitoring. Naturally, we will agree on the details with the UN Mission,? State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Merab Antadze told reporters.

Deputy Foreign Minister Giorgi Manjgaladze said that land monitoring will be carried out in the Kodori gorge. 


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