Ministries Weekly Review. September 1-8, 2001
Ministry of Justice.
It looks like Justice Minister Mikheil Saakashvili is going to launch natinal movement against corruption. It has become known on September 6th that Saakashvili and Chairman of Liberal-Eocnomic Party Beso Jugeli plan to establish nev social movement “Georgia Without Corruption”. Charter of th emovement is being elaboratd already. Founders state, thatthey would cooperate with any person regardless their party belonging. Saakashvili stated, that non-political national movement against corruption must be initiated.
On September 3rd Justice Minister hold a presentation of a newly built prison near Rustavi city. The prison has 1200 places and is meant for most dangerous criminals. Process of transfer of prisoners from various parts of Georgia to the new facility has been started last week.
Construction of the facility started in early 90’s but was not finished for a long time (that period penitential facilities were under authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). As Mikheil Saakashvili has stated at the presentation, Justice Ministry accumulated 700 000 GeL for finishing the construction through collecting and sellig metal scrap at other penitential facilities in the country.
Issue of construction of a new facility has become yet another point of confrontation between Justice Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Kakha Targamadze during the Governmnet’s Meeting on September 4th. Saakashvili stated, that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been demanding much mor funding (6 million GeL) for the construction of this facility. Saakashvili stated, that big part of this money would have gove to the pockets of the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However Kakha Targamadze considers construction of the prison as an achievment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and says that it was already 80% complete when it was transferred under authority of the Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Finances
Completion of he budget is an actual issue at the eand of each month. Different governmental bodies have different figures on the budget for August, but all of the m indictae, that funds have not been completely accumulated in August. Ministry of Tax Incomes announced, that the budget for August has been completed for 98 %.
According to the figures of the National Bank, the budget lacked 7 million GeL last month, including 3 million laris that should have been transferred from Adjarian Autonomous Republic. Remaining 4 millions must have been accumulated by the Customs Department. However, the Ministry of Tax Incomes state, Customs Department did not provide 7 millions to the budget. Despite figures, it is clear that the budget lacked most of incomes from the Customs Department.
On September 3rd Armenia restructuized Georgia’s debt. Georgian and Armenian Finanse Ministers signed an agreement in Yerevan, under which Georgia would repay 4 % of its total debt of 24 million USD in year 2001. Georgia must repay the debt completely for the year 2021.
The side agreed upon creation of a permanent council as well. The council would aim to coordination in the investment field and coordination of customs policy between the two countries.
Ministry of Defense
The Ministry demands 71 million GeL to be included in the budget of year 2002 for Georgian armed forces. However, the Ministry of Finances plans only 36 millions under military expences. Parliamentrary Committee of Defense and Security supported Defense Ministry’s position dring its sessionon September 6th.
Defense Minister David Tevzadze stated, that 36 millions would be enough for only to cover expenses for military personnel. Defense Minister thinks, that finansing of the armed forces for less then 71 millions would result in their dissolution. Tevzadze also stated, that in case of inapropriate finansing, events like Mukhrovani mutiny of May 25th might occur again.
Finance Ministry pledges, that 71 millions can not be provided to the Defense Ministry due to lack of incomes. In case of increase of incomes, defense expenses would be a high priority for the Ministry of Finances.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On September 5th Session of the Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CIS Countries has been opened in Moscow. Georgian side was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Merab Antadze. Foreign Minister Irakli Menagarishvili has been accompanying President Shevardnadze in his official visit to Romania that time.
Georgian and Romanian presidents discussed the possibility of Romania’s participation in peaceful resolution of confclicts in Georgia. The sides discussed the issue of liquidation of Russian military bases in Georgia as well. Romania presently is the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE.
On September 5th new building for the OSCE observers has been opened in Shatili. The observers monitor Chechen sector of Georgia-Russia border. As the head of observers’ group has stated, monitoring of this sector of the state border is very important in means of maintaining stability in the region.
Last week Georgian Foreign Ministry has made a statement regarding the border issue. As Kakha Sikharulidze, Director of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry has said, the Russian side intendedly delays negotiations on border demarcation between the two counries.
Russian troops are occupying village Pichvebi, terrotial belonging of which is not defined yet. Therefore Georgia is demanding withdrawal of Russian troops from the village and restoration of negotiation process onthese issues.
On September 4th Foreign Minister Irakli Menagarishvili met Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Relations of the Russian State Duma Dimitri Ragozin. The sides discussed wide rangeof issues of bilatrela relations. Ragozin stated, that Georgia’s territrial integrity is vitally important for Russia.