
Khajimba Says Bagapsh Violated Law, Power-Sharing Agreement

Vice President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba told Apsnypress that appointments to the cabinet of ministers made by de facto President Sergey Bagapsh on February 24-25 violated the law on mandate of the Vice-President and the power-sharing agreement signed which brought the two politicians to power, with Russian mediation, on December 6, 2004.

According to the Vice President, Bagapsh did not take into account Khajimba’s suggestions over the positions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Interior and the head of customs. He said an agreement was only reached regarding Minister of Defense Sultan Sosnaliev.

When asked whether he believes he can continue to cooperate with Bagapsh regarding the strategy of future actions, Khajimba replied “I really want to hope so.”


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