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President, Ruling Party Discuss Planned Constitutional Changes

President Saakashvili met with the leading parliamentarians from the ruling National Movement party on February 2 to discuss ongoing political process in the country, focusing on planned constitutional amendments that included reforming the judicial system of the country and reducing the number of MPs from the current 235 to 150.

Proposed changes, which involve new rule of composition of the Constitutional Court, cast controversy, as many experts fear that judiciary will further become dependent on the executive authorities if the proposed amendment is approved.

MP Elene Tevdoradze of the ruling party told reporters after the meeting with the President, that there is no agreement over downsizing number of MPs as well. She said that part of the parliamentarians offer to reduce number of MPs to 170.

Controversy also persists over how seats in the Parliament will be distributed between MPs elected through party-list and those parliamentarians, who are elected in single-mandate constituencies.

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