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State Minister: Demilitarization is a Long Process

Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Goga Khaindrava, who is currently in the South Ossetian conflict zone, said that demilitarization is ?a hard and long process.?

Goga Khaindrava has been in the conflict zone since November 11 to supervise the fulfillment of the November 5 Sochi agreement signed by Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoev, envisaging the demilitarization of the conflict zone before November 20.

?There are so many arms, there are so many fortifications, so many armed groups [in the conflict zone], that demilitarization will not be an easy process. It will be a long process, which requires time and patience,? Goga Khaindrava told Rustavi 2 television on November 13.

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