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Georgian State Minister Visits Moscow

Goga Khaindrava, the Georgian State Minister in charge of conflict resolution issues, left for Moscow on June 29 to hold talks with representatives from the South Ossetian side.  The talks are scheduled for June 30-July 1.

The talks will be conducted by the Joint Control Commission (JCC), which is a quadripartite body that includes members from Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia, as well as from Russia?s North Ossetia Republic.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reported on June 27 that the representatives from the OSCE, European Commission and the UN High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) were also invited to the talks.

The South Ossetian side agreed to resume talks with the Georgian side after negotiations took place in Tskhinvali on June 24 between Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Valeri Loshchinin and the South Ossetian de facto President, Eduard Kokoev.

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