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Saakashvili Campaigns in Adjara on the eve of Local Elections

President Mikheil Saakashvili visits Adjara Autonomous Republic on June 17 and campaigns in support of his party on the eve of the June 20 local elections in the region.

?Saakashvili – Victorious Adjara? is the name of the group, which was set up as a result of making up a party-list of President Saakashvili?s supporters. Most of them are the members of the ruling National Movement-Democrat party.

Citizens in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara will elect a new, 30-seat Parliament during fresh elections on June 20.

After the peaceful ousting of Adjara?s former head, Aslan Abashidze, President Saakashvili disbanded Abashidze?s puppet, two-chamber local Parliament and imposed direct presidential rule in the region. The 20-member Interim Council was set up to govern the republic until the snap local elections.

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