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Abashidze: No Rallies in Adjara

Adjarian leader Aslan Abashidze warned on March 12 the opposition that the emergency situation is enforced in the Autonomous Republic and no protest rallies will be permitted in the region.

A major opposition movement Our Adjara intends a protest rallies in Adjara next week. Leaders of the movement say that they start election campaign for March 28 parliamentary elections.

Aslan Abashidze said so called “rose revolution is planned in Adjara,” – a reference to last November bloodless revolution in Georgia, which led to ex-President Shevardnadze’s ouster – “Adjara will not permit it,” Abashidze added.

“We only warn – no rallies will be held when the emergency situation is imposed,” Adjarian leader said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on March 12 expressing concern over the increased tension between the central authorities of Georgia and the leadership of its Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

The statement reads that Tbilisi trains its law enforcement agencies and organizes protest rallies in Batumi, Adjarian capital, “to overthrow the legal authorities in Adjara.”

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