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Government Vows to Increase Defense Funding

Nominee for the Prime Minister?s post Zurab Zhvania, who delivered the new cabinet?s plan of action for 2004-2009 to the Parliament, said one of the priorities of the new government would be implementation of reforms in a defense sphere and increase of funding for the armed forces.

?Our main goal is to increase funding in accordance with the European and NATO recommendations. The current funding which makes 0,69% of GDP should increase up to 2% of GDP,? Zhvania said at the Parliament session on February 17, adding that Georgia Should have small but professional army.
Zurab Zhvania reiterated that integration into the NATO is Georgia?s priority.

President Saakashvili nominated on February 13 Gela Bezhuashvili for the Defense Minister?s post in the new cabinet. Bezhuashvili will be first civilian as Georgian Defense Minister, which was one of the recommendations of the NATO.

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