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CEC: Voter Turnout is 15% by the Noon

Nana Devdariani, the Chairperson of Central Election Commission said at a news briefing that the voter turnout reached 15% by the noon.

“In the morning I visited several precincts in Tbilisi and witnessed long queues of voters,” Nana Devdariani said.

She said that the elections are being held in “normal” conditions, “however there are some procedural violations.”

“Still many voters are missing from the lists, however as I have already said today that the representatives of the election commissions can recheck the voters and if they are included on the primary lists, they can add their names to the current lists to enable a voter to cast a ballot,” she added.

The primary voter lists were double-checked by the CEC as thousands of voters were not included on the lists. It was finally decided not to use the primary, computerized lists but to rely on hard copies – printout of the primary lists plus the voters added later through the correction process. It turns out now, that some of the voters included in primary lists are missing from the current ones.


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