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Experts Blame Interior Ministry for Mess in Tbilisi Voter Lists

The group of experts, which tried to investigate reasons of inaccuracies in the voter lists, claim that the Interior Ministry is to blame for the mess in the lists of Tbilisi voters. 

Legal expert David Usupashvili, Lasha Tughushi of the Anticorruption Council and Gocha Tskitishvili of the Institute for Polling and Marketing (IPM) at a news briefing in the Elections Media Center on October 27 presented some evidence of inaccuracies, which according to them was deliberately done by the Interior Ministry and the old Central Election Commission (CEC). 

“The Interior Ministry is to assume responsibility for making voter lists in Tbilisi. The Ministry did not submit to the CEC the hard copy of the lists, which is more precise than the electronic version of the lists,” Davit Usupashvili said. 

Later on the same day Deputy Interior Minister Davit Todua held a new briefing and dismissed accusations and blamed the old CEC.

“The Interior Ministry has not made these lists. We simply provided exact census records to the old CEC,” Davit Todua said.

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